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Vision, Strategy, and Action

These are the vision, strategy, and action of Ridwan Kamil to create a wonderful Bandung...

Ridwan Kamil's Vision for Bandung


A leader, must have a clear vision on their leaderships. A smart and clear vision will make the progress of a leadership will be under control. So do Mayor Ridwan Kamil. Of course, he has a clear vision on his leadership.

His vision is; to make Bandung a comfortable city, highly-developed in every aspects, and increase the index of happiness in Bandung. He also want to make Bandung a great city, just like his motto; Bandung Juara! Which means, Bandung Is The Champion!

His Strategy To Realize The Vision...


Ridwan Kamil made a lot of ways, so he could working on the vision little by little. His strategy to finish his vision is by improve Bandung on every aspects, such as economy, infrastructure, tourism, environment, education, culture, etc. He also do the environment rebuilding and create a self-supporting citizen.

For example, his 7 Days Programs: Monday, Free Bus Day; Tuesday, No Smoking Day; Wednesday, Rebo Nyunda or Sundanese Day; Thursday, English Day; Friday, Bike Day; Culinary Event every Saturday nights; and a free day to have a good time with family, Sundays, but we can also enjoy Car Free Day event on Sunday mornings.

Let's Do The Action!


Mayor Ridwan Kamil realizes his strategies by doing actions. On Free Bus Day on every Mondays, people can use city buses for free. On No Smoking Day which held every Tuesdays, people are highly recommended to not smoking, even the Mayor recommended the citizen to reduce smoking everyday. On Fridays, we have Bike Day. People are highly recommended to use bicycle everywhere. Many people do that, not only Friday, but also on the other days. The other program is Car Free Day on Sunday mornings. It’s an event which held on some spots in Bandung. The street will be closed for cars and motorcycles. People could use the street to do many things, such as cycling, eating good meals, doing some exercises, etc. These will surely develop Bandung on environmental aspect and increase a lot amount of citizen happiness.


To develop education and cultural aspects, there also programs called Rebo Nyunda and Kamis English. Rebo Nyunda is a program which held every Wednesdays. We have to speak Sundanese on that day. People are also have to wear traditional clothes to school or office. Just like Rebo Nyunda, on Kamis English which held on Thursdays, people are recommended to speak in English. These programs purposed to make an intelligent citizen, because the citizen will have to study English, but shall not forget the traditional language.


Ridwan Kamil also made another program purposed to develop environmental aspect, it’s called 1 Million Biopories Program. He worked together with the people to make a lot of biopories in Bandung. Nowadays, there are many biopories here. These actions may realize the vision through environment aspect. Moreover, this will also create a self-supporting citizen.


Ridwan Kamil placed a lot of trash bins in every spots in Bandung, which are divided into organic and anorganic ones. So, when we needs a trash bin, we'll find it very easily.

Those are the visions, strategies, and actions of Ridwan Kamil, aren’t those great? These programs won’t be working if there isn’t any person who supports it. Let’s support the programs and make Bandung could implement the vision! For Mr. Ridwan Kamil, please keep working hard, together with us as the citizen. We’ll support you and your actions to realize the vision to make a wonderful Bandung. I’m sure we could make Bandung a fascinating place! Bandung Juara! Bandung Is The Champion!

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